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The Big Three

When working with Yerbas assets you will most likely be using one of these three. They are by far the most used types of assets. It can help to think of these assets as pieces of some abstract on-chain website.

Main assets

Running on our website analogy, a main asset is like the domain name.

Asset Name3-30 capital letters. '.' and '_' are also allowed, but they cannot be at the beginning or end of the asset name. More than one of these special characters also cannot be next to one another. The names YERB, YERBAS, and YERBAS are reserved.
Ownership AssetMain assets have an associated ownership asset
Asset Amount1 - 21,000,000,000 of this asset can be created
Cost69.420 YERB
ReissuabilityThis asset can be set to be reissued
DivisibilityDivisibility can be set from 0-8
Associated DataThis asset can have associated data

The ownership asset of a main asset is required to create the following two assets.


A sub-asset can be likened to a website's path. Creating a sub asset requires a main asset ownership token.

Asset Name

The sub-portion of the name must be at least 1 capital letter. '.' and '_' are also allowed, but they cannot be at the beginning or end of the sub-portion. More than one of these special characters also cannot be next to one another.

The full sub-asset name takes the form [main asset name]/[sub-portion]. This full name must be 30 or less characters.

Ownership AssetSub-assets have an associated ownership asset
PrerequisitesA main asset's ownership asset
Asset Amount1 - 21,000,000,000 of this asset can be created
Cost20 YERB
ReissuabilityThis asset can be set to be reissued
DivisibilityDivisibility can be set from 0-8
Associated DataThis asset can have associated data

Unique assets

A unique asset can be likened to a file on a website. Creating a unique asset requires a main asset ownership token or a sub-asset ownership token. There can only be 1 of a unique asset.

Asset NameThe unique portion of the name must be at least 1 character. The full unique asset name takes the form [main or sub asset name]#[unique portion]. This full name must be 30 or less characters.
Ownership AssetUnique assets have no associated ownership asset
PrerequisitesA main asset or sub-asset's ownership asset
Asset Amount1 of this asset can be created
Cost0.2 YERB
ReissuabilityThis asset cannot be reissued
DivisibilityDivisibility is 0
Associated DataThis asset can have associated data